About this Website

MedDex is a free, online dictionary of medical abbreviations. Search hundreds of medical abbreviations, acronyms, shorthands and more!

We aim to simplify the complex world of medical abbreviations by providing a centralised platform for accessing medical abbreviations, ensuring clarity and accuracy in medical communication.

Our vision is to empower healthcare professionals, students and enthusiasts with instant access to a vast database of medical abbreviations, enhancing efficiency and patient care outcomes.

We created MedDex in April 2024 for our Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship and Innovation course. The course just involved designing a framework for a potential business, but we decided to go ahead and build the actual product - this website!

Our Team

Anitej PalurAnitej Palur is our CEO and created this website! He likes to play the piano, code and build websites.
GitHub | Telegram | Email
Shabbir ShakirShabbir Shakir is our co-founder and CFO! He loves the outdoors and is committed to improving communication in medicine.
GitHub | Telegram | Email


This blog was built using several open-source technologies, including:

  • Hugo, a fast and flexible static site generator
  • PaperMod, a fast, clean, responsive Hugo theme
  • Cloudflare Pages, a fast platform to deploy static sites

Feel free to examine the source code for this open-source website on GitHub.